Sunday, October 27th, 2024 6:53 PM

Cancel Service

I want to cancel service due to increased monthly bill.

Retired Employee


1.4K Messages

4 months ago

Hi, @user_vvys5x! Thank you for joining the Xfinity Community Forum. I am sorry to hear that your first post is about cancelling. I would love the opportunity to help you find a plan that better suits your needs and budget. If unsuccessful, I will absolutely help you cancel your service. Can you send a DM to Xfinity Support with your full name and address, please?

Here are the detailed steps to direct message us:

• Click "Sign In" if necessary
•Click the "Direct Message” icon (upper right corner of this page) or https://forums.xfinity.com/direct-messaging
•Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
•Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
•Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
•Press Enter to send your message

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