Saturday, November 16th, 2024 2:14 AM

Still being charged after canceling

I moved from Savannah, Georgia to Huntsville, Texas in August 2024. Upon arriving to Huntsville, I found out that Xfinity does not provide services to my area, And realizing that I immediately did what I could to cancel my subscription and my services. I did so by speaking on the phone with an agent from Xfinity, And they Assured me that I would not have to pay anything anymore after our phone call as they were canceling My services. 

However, since then, I’ve still been receiving a regular monthly charge for an Internet service that I cannot access, And even if I could access it, I would not have service for it in the city that I’m living in. 

To add insult to injury, Every once in a while, I’ll get an email saying “ We received your cancellation request, And we’re on it” Although If they were actually on it, I feel like my subscription and recurring billing would’ve been stopped by now. 

If it’s built into a contract or something that I didn’t know about that I have to continue paying over a certain term, that’s fine however, I would just like somebody to tell me that clearly instead of just brushing me off and saying “ OK, will cancel it” Or “ this billing cycle will be your last one”

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3 months ago

Good evening @user_2v0dsb. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can check to see what is going on with your account.


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