Thursday, November 14th, 2024 4:38 PM

Xfinity in a association of a third party company refusing to pay a refund - they are stealing money

Comcast hires a third party company to handle refunds, and sends you back and forth between these different groups to avoid a very simple refund transaction and keep the money.

10+ calls of 40 minutes each, and all I got was that the money would be in your account soon at the end of each call, and of course that has never happened.

Official Employee


1.6K Messages

7 days ago

Hello, @user_qbxtib. I'm sorry to hear about the negative experience you had over the phone. I would be more than happy to review your account to see what's the status of this refund you're expecting.

Please send a direct message by clicking the chat icon in the upper right corner of the page, click on the pen and paper icon, then enter “Xfinity Support” in the “To” section.

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