143 Messages
Apple+ TV won't stay signed in on X1 cable box or satellite box
I have had Apple+ TV on my X1 box since in first became available. I signed in at that time (years ago) and never had to sign in again. Now every time I open Apple+ either on my main box or my satellite box it is asking me to sign in. I actually called Apple support and the very knowledgeable tech gave me some steps to try. However, they did not work. Apple+ works perfectly on my PC and on my iPhone - so clearly the problem has something to do with the Xfinity box. The Apple tech told me they often have problems with third party apps - such as the one on Xfinity - and that hopefully it would be fixed when Xfinity updates. I tried a system refresh but that didn't help either. Not the end of the world to sign in every time but definitely annoying. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or has any suggestions. Thanks.
Official Employee
1.4K Messages
8 months ago
To use the Apple TV+ app, you’ll need:
New Poster
2 Messages
2 months ago
Same issue for, the only way to access Apple+ on the tv is with a free 3 months trial and pay $9.99 after that [we already have an account that we pay for] and everything already works fine on phone, tablet, and laptop...but not the tv, not able to sign in to circumvent worked fine before......aaaarrrrggghhhh!!!!