Hi, @user_kyxoql. Thank you for reaching out. I hope you are doing well today. I appreciate you taking the time to create a new post. After doing some reason for your area, I see that the Crime + Investigation channel should be on channel 717.
You can also find your channel line up using the guide on your X1 equipment or Stream App. If you have a voice remote, you can also say "Channel 717, "717," or "Crime and Investation" to get you there faster. This link HEREcovers voice commands and how they can help. I hope this answers you questions. Thanks!
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
1 year ago
Hi, @user_kyxoql. Thank you for reaching out. I hope you are doing well today. I appreciate you taking the time to create a new post. After doing some reason for your area, I see that the Crime + Investigation channel should be on channel 717.
You can also find your channel line up using the guide on your X1 equipment or Stream App. If you have a voice remote, you can also say "Channel 717, "717," or "Crime and Investation" to get you there faster. This link HERE covers voice commands and how they can help. I hope this answers you questions. Thanks!