

2 Messages

Thursday, March 28th, 2024 12:45 AM


ESPN Lagging Severely for 6 months

ESPN has been not working properly and lagging every 15-30 seconds this is awful and happening on all channels. Pay $250 a month. This does not happen with other providers. I want to be compensation for this, I have bit my tongue for months. This is a laughing stock and frankly criminal-esque in terms of lack of service. Please fix this and contact me immediately. 

Official Employee


2.4K Messages

10 months ago

Hello, user_71f380! Thanks for reaching out about the channels, especially ESPN lagging. We are happy to help and get things working as they should be. Have you tried any troubleshooting steps so far such as resetting the cable box, sending a refresh signal to the equipment, or trying the troubleshooting steps in the Xfinity app or Xfinity Assistant? If you have more than 1 cable box, is this happening on both boxes or just 1 box? 

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