2 Messages

Sunday, December 31st, 2023 6:03 PM


H&I Missing from 116 and 1012 in the Seattle Area

What happened to H&I?  I was watching it last night and this morning both channels are broadcasting a Spanish station.  Did it move, or was it removed?  This is one of my primary stations.

1 Message

1 year ago

From what I am reading Sinclair owned KUNS. They made it the CW affiliate, since the CW really didn't have much of a home in Seattle after it was pulled from KSTW.  This then must have resulted in Univision needed a new home and there you have it.




1 Message

Another[Edit: Inflammatory] reason I'm canceling this[Edit: Inflammatory] Cable Co. This is the second Channel they have removed and put on a higher channel. The first one was Root Sports. Off to Hulu I go. [Edit: Inflammatory]


11 Messages

1 year ago

Just found out (after being lied to yesterday when I tried to do a chat about this) that they moved H&I to the Ultimate package where they moved INSP to. So, now both of those channels we liked to watch have gone to another plan that you have to pay more for. They keep taking away the channels that seniors like so I guess they don't want seniors for customer any more even though we are the ones than can least afford all of the increases PLUS we pay our bills on time, don't trash our equipment, etc.  This is just terrible!  On top of taking away 2 channels we always watched, I just found out my bill is going up over $18/month. Guess it's time to cut the cord.

New Poster


7 Messages

If H&I were part of the Ultimate package wouldn't it still show up in the guide lineup?  I do not have the Ultimate package, but I would imagine that H&I would still be on the guide.  Just like I don't have access to the POP channel, or Paramount, or CMT,  yet they still show up on the guide along with several other channels I am unable to view.  If and when I do click on those channels, I receive a "subscribe to" message that states, "To watch this program, you'll need to subscribe to his channel.  Go to Xfinity.com/Upgrade to update your packages."  If H&I were part of a different package, I should still be able to see it on the guide, but just not view.  I have not seen it on the guide at all, and I have scrolled top to bottom looking for it.  If Dish Network, and Direct TV are still carrying H&I, it leads one to believe that it has to be a provider issue.  

New Poster


7 Messages

@user_jet3hu​ I'm with you 100% and totally agree. It's terrible! I have wanted to be rid of Comcast for quite some time now, but I don't understand all the new ways to watch TV. I'm 70 & have been paying a cable bill for many moons. The monthly bill is outrageous,  there are constantly issues with pixelated/ freezing shows and customer service is out the window!!.  I'm totally disgusted!

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

1 year ago

H&I is a broadcast network. It would always be in a base package. Whoever told you that it would require a higher package either lied or had incorrect or out-of-date info.

11 Messages

I just talked with them this morning. I was first talking to someone in the billing dept who then transferred me to a woman who was supposed to look into the H&I issue. I told her what I had been told via chat I did yesterday (that this channel was moved from 117 to 274 which shows as a subscription channel). The same chat person then told me it was a broadcast issue that was being worked on. But the woman I spoke with this morning said it had been moved to the Ultimate package (which is also where INSP went a while back) which would require an upgrade to access.

So, which is it???



18 Messages

@user_jet3hu​ On the Xfinity website, H&I is not showing in the channel listing for the Ultimate package, whereas two days ago it was showing as available on all packages. I think you've been given some bad info. It's just gone altogether.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

1 year ago

@david.f.w Good morning! We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to our Community Forums Team for assistance with H&I. Any changes to your viewing experience can be disappointing. I would be happy to take a look into this for, and see what options are available in your area for you enjoy your station. To get started, can you please send a Direct Message with your name and service address? 


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I sent you my information that you requested.

New Poster


7 Messages

@XfinityKassie​ I sent information as well.

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5.9K Messages

@Jetset2u​ We ask that you please wait to be invited to a direct message with our team. When they are ready to assist they will @ tag you on your public post/comment/reply inviting you to send us that direct message. Sending unsolicited direct messages to our team before you are specifically asked to do so does violate our Xfinity Forum Guidelines and our Xfinity Forum Acceptable Use Policies. Please remember, by having an account and utilizing these forums, you have already agreed to the rules, policies, and guidelines contained within those documents as well as any other posted documents throughout the community. Just know, that these policies are in place to ensure all users are responded to in an equitable manner and help to encourage public conversations.

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2 Messages

1 year ago

Bring back the H&I channel or I change to Direct or Dish, which have it.

11 Messages

I am with you on that!



15 Messages

Try Pluto TV, it’s a free app. I don’t know what shows you prefer, but it has many of the Star Trek series

Regular Visitor


24 Messages

@user_a9974d​ I was able to watch a few episodes on Pluto of one of the shows I used to watch on H&I, and after the 3rd one, it just started repeating the 1st one again. 😳 

Gold Problem Solver


7.9K Messages

1 year ago

Given that this is a recent change, how can you be sure Dish or DirecTV actually have it? Their data may be out of date.

8 Messages

@Andyross​ Heroes and Icons mentions it on their site



2 Messages

Because I Googled it, it must be true! :)

Heroes & Icons is available in HD on DIRECTV (channel 385).




15 Messages

@user_jxjdbn​ Try Pluto TV, it’s a free app. I don’t know what shows you prefer, but it has many of the Star Trek series



3 Messages

1 year ago

INSP & TMC were moved to the "Sports & Entertainment" package.  Yet, the majority of sports are in the "ultimate" pkg.  I am not about to add the S&E" pkg for more $$ to have most sports chs in duplicate, which I don't watch already.  I am suffering the loss of the "oldies".  However, as I have the "Ultimate" pkg & do not have H&I now, it is not there.  I, too, spent about 1 1/2 hrs w/Comcast this AM & they, too (3 different folks) had no idea of what happened except maybe a contract being worked on.  I do feel sorry for the reps. as they were not given any info. w/which to answer the customers' anger.  And, I am so angry, again!!!

11 Messages

I also feel sorry for the reps. I also feel sorry for the customers who cannot get a straight answer. It's crazy you have to pay hundreds of dollars a month and can't even get a credible answer to a question.

11 Messages

H&I must now be called AHC (American Heroes Channel). That is what you get when you try to tune to 274 which is what I was originally told was the new channel for H&I (instead of 116). However, if you don't have the "Ultimate" package, you don't get AHC. One rep told me you would have to upgrade to Ultimate to get it & another one told me it was a broadcast issue that was being worked on & we should be able to get it once the broadcaster fixes the problem. So, who knows? 

New Poster


6 Messages

I have channel AHC 274 and is showing "Combat Countdown" for several hours tonight, so I don't think that is the new location for H&I. And yes, I am also super annoyed that with the amount of money I pay for Xfinity service that there was no warning for H&I vanishing. I watch it most weeknights primarily for Star Trek.

New Poster


7 Messages

I guess at this point, in reviewing the HandItv.com website.  It shows several different ways that you can view their channel in the local area.  I guess it would be rather easy to go out and get a HD Antenna and just tune in over the air.  Along with all the other local broadcast channels that are required to be able to be viewed for free.  There are other options such as SlingTV, or FrndlyTV, or PhiloTV for subscription streaming at a fraction of the cost of Xfinity in which one could choose to view in the local area.  

8 Messages

@Jetset2u​ I’ve thought about getting an antenna to watch H&I. If I’m thinking about this correctly, we need an antenna that reach about 80miles to where kvos has their broadcast antenna?



5 Messages

1 year ago

When I went to change the TV channel to 116 - H&I TV - I learned that it was no longer being carried by Comcast.  This was a mainstay channel in our household, and to learn that it no longer exists - [Edited: "Language"]  In light of so much [Edited: "Language"] on tv now days, H&I was one of the few consistently dependable channels for decent tv viewing.  I sincerely hope you will reconsider this error on your part and restore H&I tv.  Considering what you charge for tv packages and the limited viewing options (why do multiple channels with the same group (530 & 535, and 533 and 524) play the same show.  Instead of the possibility for four tv shows, you only get 2 - either 530 or 535 showing the same program; and 522 and 524  showing the same program, it already feels like the customer is getting taken  ([Edited: "Language"])  Now you remove one of the few decent tv channels and further decrease our viewing options!   Also - where was the notice that you were dropping H&I?   This came as a complete, and unpleasant surprise.  We are at the point of dropping cable altogether - the offerings leave much to be desired.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Extreme unhappiness at you disconinuing to carry H&I (Heros and Icons) tv channel!!!!!



15 Messages

Try Pluto TV, it’s a free app. I don’t know what shows you prefer, but it has many of the Star Trek series

Regular Visitor


24 Messages

@user_a9974d​ It sucks.  I tried it, watched about three episodes, and then it just started repeating them.  



5 Messages

1 year ago

Deleted channel - H&I??????



15 Messages

Try Pluto TV, it’s a free app. I don’t know what shows you prefer, but it has many of the Star Trek series

Regular Visitor


24 Messages

It sucks.  I tried it, watched about three episodes, and then it just started repeating them.  

1 Message

1 year ago

I'm very upset about this programming change.  I watch H&I to unwind after a busy night.  Now I have nothing to watch.



15 Messages

I was too, but I just found it on Pluto TV for free, on demand, or the ones they are airing right now. it’s an app

Regular Visitor


24 Messages

It sucks.  I tried it, watched about three episodes, and then it just started repeating them.  



15 Messages

1 year ago

I was able to find it on demand, on Pluto TV, a free app.

4 Messages

@user_a9974d​ does that mean you have to pay per episode?

4 Messages

When you say “on demand “ could you explain?



15 Messages

Hi, I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I have a smart TV like a lot of people. I spoke into my Xfinity remote, Star Trek next generation. The options come up, on the left, it says “watch on Pluto TV”.  if you choose that one, it is “live tv”, so will likely start in the middle of an episode of the stations choosing. Just like regular TV, they are playing episodes all the time. There are commercials, FYI. 

The next option to the right of “watch on Pluto TV” is “episodes“. If you select episodes, then it shows all the free options, which, if I’m not mistaken, is all seven seasons. When I say “on demand”, I mean being able to choose the episode and watch the ones I want, starting from the beginning of the one I choose.

it is similar on my iPad, I think you have to download the Pluto TV app. I did it so long ago I don’t remember, but I just started using it again because of this change with Comcast. Almost everything I want is streaming somewhere, so I will probably be cutting the cord as well as many of these people. I just have to get set up first to make sure I can access everything, if not on an app, on the websites of the news stations I like .



15 Messages

@user_fioszt​  I replied, but it didn’t tag you, so check out the long answer about Pluto TV, under your question. Sorry, I am new to this…


Regular Visitor


24 Messages

It sucks.  I tried it, watched about three episodes, and then it just started repeating them.  

Official Employee


2K Messages

1 year ago

Hi, @user_sdqbdk! Here is some additional information I found on what's happening with H&I. Please let me know if this helps. 

This comment was created from this reply

5 Messages

1 year ago

Concast has dropped H&I without any notice of compensation.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled H&I



15 Messages

Try Pluto TV, it’s a free app. I don’t know what shows you prefer, but it has many of the Star Trek series,.

1 Message

1 year ago

I can't believe comcast would do this, I guess we are going to streaming only. We pay 170 a month and most of that was H and I



15 Messages

Try Pluto TV, it’s a free app. I don’t know what shows you prefer, but it has many of the Star Trek series

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

Greeting @user_yrzpu6 thanks for using our Forums to contact our Xfinity Support Team. I see that you are concerned about the recent changes and we are happy to work with you on this. Can you please send us a DM with your name and service address? Here's the detailed steps to direct message us: 
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Regular Visitor


24 Messages

@user_a9974d​ It sucks.  I tried it, watched about three episodes, and then it just started repeating them.  

2 Messages

1 year ago

I want to add to this. I’m mad too that H&I was pulled without warning 🤬

Bring it back!!!!!



15 Messages

Try Pluto TV, it’s a free app. I don’t know what shows you prefer, but it has many of the Star Trek series

Regular Visitor


24 Messages

It sucks.  I tried it, watched about three episodes, and then it just started repeating them.  

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