eelpout_1's profile

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13 Messages

Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 8:28 PM


I'm getting Fox Sports, FS1, FS1HD and FS2 (SD) but not FS2HD.

any reason I'm getting the standard definition of FS2 but not the HD version in my area? I can see it FS2HD (779) on my lineup at, but my cablecard won't find it no matter how many times I scan for it.


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1 year ago

just wanted to close this off.

apparently, my problem is FS2HD is not available in my area for QAM cablecard devices. It's only an X1 box IP channel. Have to live with the SD version. :(


Official Employee


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Thanks for reaching back out with your find. I'm sorry you're able to get it, but I'm glad you found out why. Is there anything else I can help you with this evening?

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1 year ago

@eelpout_1  Our team can help you look into this issue further on our side. Xfinity Forums- To send a direct message, please click on the chat icon in the top-right corner of the screen, and select "Xfinity Support" to initiate a live chat. 
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