Saturday, July 20th, 2024 4:34 PM


My recordings are now duplicating on other channels

I am recording channel 720 for the Giants baseball game series and as of yesterday it is now recording channel 3009 and 3024 of the MLB channels which I do not need three recordings of the same game. How does this happen and how do I get it to stop, I canceled my recording and redid it and it still doing the same thing and I'm only recording off of channel 720 

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35 Messages

6 months ago

Same here.  Same team and channel.  Also annoying is that it used to also record the Spanish broadcast.  That seems to have stopped of its own accord.

12 Messages

Very annoying and not sure why it started on its own. I did get a few Spanish tapings but this is totally ridiculous to get 3 of same show    

Official Employee


1K Messages

Good Morning, user_34se0o! Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to us here on the Xfinity Forums. I am sorry to hear about the duplicate records for the Giants baseball. Can you follow the steps here to ensure there isn't any other recording rules setup? https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/use-mydvr-manager-in-xfinity-apps



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12 Messages

Hello. I tried this and the problem is if I schedule my channel 720 to record all Giants games, it auto schedules the MLB pay per view channels that are part of the Giants series that I do not subscribe to   nor pay for them. It has to be a glitch. I have talked to Xfinity assistance on the phone twice and they can't seem to figure it out and sometimes I can get things to disappear and two hours later they all come back to be recorded. It is something on Xfinity's end where the fact that I am taping San Francisco Giants all their games, so I don't have to select one at a time and even if I do that, it will sometimes pick up the MLB channels 

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

6 months ago

It was a pleasure, @user_34se0o working with you in private and getting your feedback submitted. Please don't hesitate to reach back out if you have any further service or account concerns, we'll always be here for you.-Richard

12 Messages

Thank you. Is there away to check to see if there was some type of an update or upgrade to certain series like baseball that has several games and now allows it to record all games in multiple channels? Like the recording option when I do, my recording is either that one single game that is on on a specific day on a certain time on a certain channel or if I arrow over to the name of the team the blurb on the bottom says "select a team to record related programs, including their games" , which is where then it picks up everything with that name it seems And it doesn't do that with a regular TV program (like Houswives of the OC). it lets  you record this episode or all episodes but doesn't pick up anything else related to that name of the show 

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