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NBA League Pass is barely functional this year
I'm having so many issues with my NBA League Pass subscription this year. First and foremost, even though I'm subscribed, I'm unable to authenticate to watch games on the NBA app on iOS or Roku — is this still supposed to be part of the subscription? Even when I log in with my Xfinity credentials, the NBA app doesn't let me access games, even though this has worked fine in previous years.
Then there's the actual League Pass channels on Xfinity. When I record a game, I'd say that it works normally maybe 10% of the time? Another 20% of the time I'll end up with a recording that is only watchable on my DVR but where I only get audio via the Stream app on iOS (video is frozen) — this was an issue many people reported last year, and it's still happening. But most of the time this year it's even worse than that: the game is completely unwatchable even on my DVR, and the recordings often mysteriously delete themselves when they're done anyway.
What is going on here? How is this an acceptable level of service that we're paying an extra $100 for? Clearly I just need to subscribe via NBA directly next year, but I hope we're going to be getting fixes for these issues this season.
1 Message
1 year ago
We are experiencing very similar problems. The NBA League Pass is barely functional this year. For example, we watched a game and recorded that game and another one to watch later. Neither would play on our DVR, and overnight they both disappeared without us having done anything to delete them. We have had a League Pass on Xfinity for several years now, and have never had problems like this. We even called for help, spent 1 hour+ on the phone. The problem was not resolved and we were told there were "back end" issues.
1 Message
1 year ago
Having the same problem. Worked great in years past. I can't access archived games on the nba app. I can only watch live games. Same DVR issues. Very frustrating and may have me switch away from Xfinity all together.
9 Messages
1 year ago
NBA League Pass was working fine for me until late December. Since then, recording games never works properly. Most games have significant missing segments where time instantly jumps forward (for example, you are watching the second quarter and it suddenly jumps to the fourth period; or worse, it may jump to the text screen that appears after the broadcast ends). This is in the recording itself since the stream timestamp remains continuous (I have samples that show this, but Xfinity seems uninterested in looking at them). I have also experienced the issue where it displays a message "we're having a problem" then the recording deletes itself after a short period of time. My NBA League Pass subscription is not recognized by the NBA app when I login with my Xfinity credentials, so I have no way to see games unless I'm lucky enough to catch it live on Xfinity. I have watched games live and also recorded it on the same channel and observed that the live broadcast is fine but the recoding is trash. Spending a bunch of time with Xfinity support has not helped at all. Now, they tell me to get a new X1 box, but I seriously doubt that it will resolve the recording problem. The issues are with the recording itself since I see the same problems at the same timestamps when I playback through the Xfinity Stream app. I wish I could either get this fixed or get a refund for my subscription so I can go elsewhere for League Pass.
1 Message
1 year ago
I am having the exact same issue, what a complete joke having to pay 100 dollars for a product that doesn't work at all. I'd at least like to get my money back if they can't fix the problem. I think I've tried to watch about 20+ games on the service and I don't think a single one has worked correctly and cut out huge portions of the game. I know it's not an issue with my box because every other DVR'd game on national TV has zero issues. As soon as I have the opportunity I'm switching to a different TV/internet provider.
9 Messages
1 year ago
Update: as of today, I am finally able to watch full game replays in the NBA app when logged in with my Xfinity account. Xfinity and NBA League Pass have finally linked my Xfinity subscription to League Pass. So, even though I cannot successfully record a game on Xfinity, at least I can watch the game replay in the app.
1 Message
1 year ago
We are experiencing the sound cutting out and it’s pretty frustrating to pay extra for a service that doesn’t work.