

2 Messages

Friday, February 21st, 2025 2:23 AM

No customer service

My cable went out 2 hours ago. I have been unable to reach customer service in any way, shape, or form.

Text messages go unanswered.

Chats go dead or get disconnected.

No phone calls back.

I've been transferred to the wrong department twice. I've been called "rude" twice by people who left me on hold (in one case for 35 minutes).

The automated system does not do anything.

Multiple times I've been pushed BACK in the queue, as far as number 228.

No explanations, no announcements.

What an absolutely disgusting company. Top to bottom, a trash heap.


I've been transferred multiple times since. After an 85 minute wait (which i was assured would be less than half that) I was sent to the wrong department again. When I demanded to speak to tech support, I was put into a phone queue. My wait time is between 22 and 53 minutes.

Comcast finally added a "people are experiencing issues" message to the hold music, along with a suggested fix. Guess what? IT DOESN'T WORK.

After a nearly 20 minute wait, I'm #155 in the chat queue.

Disgraceful. Everyone who gets a paycheck from this company should look in the mirror and ponder what kind of person they truly are.


Still no response. I was sent to the wrong department AGAIN and promised an immediate callback.

After 25 more minutes.

I'm #166 in yet another queue.

Come on, "comcast employees"! Stick up for your company!


I asked for a callback from tech support. I've gotten three callbacks.

All from the home security team.

I'm currently in yet another automated loop on the phone, and #88 in the latest queue.

Come on, proud comcast employees! Stand up and defend your company!!!

FINAL UPDATE (just after midnight)

Finally got a call from actual tech support, almost four hours after my initial complaint. I also ended up leaving an angry voicemail for a regional manager (along with over a dozen infuriated emails charting the lack of progress with this entire situation).

Start to finish, one of the worst examples of customer service i've ever experienced. I was disconnected over a dozen times, sent to the sales department twice, home security three times, and billing three times - all when i specifically asked for tech support. Twice I received callbacks, only to have to wait 10-15 minutes to actually speak to an agent. Once I texted a request for immediate online assistance and didn't receive a response for over 35 minutes - then got called "rude" when I complained.

If negative integers could be used for ratings, comcast wouldn't get absolute zero. They wouldnt' get the Planck Number (the smallest number known to science). No, we'd have to resurrect Newton and Einstein and have them collaborate on an entirely new conception of mathematics so that a number so pitifully small and regressive could theoretically be created and used to rate comcast....

....and it would STILL be too big, too complimentary, for comcast to deserve.

Official Employee


2.8K Messages

10 hours ago

Hey there, mro121, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums and providing the details of your recent customer experience. We always want to ensure we are providing the best experience and I understand how important it is to have your services up and running especially with the weekend coming up! We are here to help and turn this experience around for you! 


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2 Messages

This was the second incident this week that ended up costing me hours of my life. On Tuesday my internet kept going out while I was telecommuting to work; it took over three hours to get hold of someone. That's because I happened to see an email sent to me after i gave up trying to get someone on the line. The email informed me that my monthly bill would be increasing by $75 permanently. Apparently that's not true, but that's what multiple comcast employees told me when I inquired. In the end I had to work till 12:30 at night to PARTIALLY catch up with the work left undone due to comcast's service and assistance problems. I was offered a whopping $20 as compensation for three hours of anger, frustration, and incompetence.

Add to that the humiliation and neglect last night.......i was left stranded, unable to work (i'd wanted to log in late to catch up on stuff), and not knowing what the problem was, how severe it was, or if i'd have internet service in the morning (if I didn't, i'd have had to commute into Boston to work at my office). I finally gave up and started sending increasingly snide and nasty emails to a rep who sarcastically shrugged off my previous complaints as oopsies. This morning he called me back to accuse me of harassment. He offered only a very brief, very vague apology for the hours and hours of frustration and lost work, then told me that he would ONLY discuss MY behavior and how rude *I* was. No financial compensation. No other apologies. He threatened to cancel my service (what service? - I'm still having service hiccups, and this is with NEW EQUIPMENT) and threatened to call law enforcement on me if i raised my voice. When I asked him if it was intelligent business practice to give misleading and damaging information to customers - which could cause the company to lose said customers - he hemmed & hawed and said they'd look into that. Then it was back to disgusting a person I was because i asked him to consider what kind of person would willingly work for a company that deliberately harasses, stiffs, and ignores its PAYING CUSTOMERS.

Again, no other apologies. Just a self-pitying whine that I'D been rude to sweet lil' ol' Comcast. No apologies for the dead-end transfers, the wrong callbacks, the constant misgendering by the agents, the snickering when I complained to one agent ("you can't prove that happened"). Just i was a meanie, and Comcast was an innocent victim. Like I'd randomly decided "You know what? I wanna spend my evening yelling at random strangers on the phone." I have cancer. I had to go to the oncologist yesterday to see the results of a test (it was okay). I spent the entire day struggling to work (which I'm very far behind on) while dealing with stress and lack of sleep and all I wanted to do was go home, relax, and take a quick nap, before getting up and working a midnight shift - partially to make up for Comcast's pathetic substandard "service" on Tuesday. And instead I was left with a migraine, hoarse from yelling ("Oh mrs matthew, i cannot hear you, please repeat your issue again" - for the fifth time), frustrated, in tears, and feeling like I'd been slapped in the face and kneed in the groin at the same time, repeatedly, for 4+ hours.

The gaslighting - to pretend that my anger came out of the blue, premeditated, instead of being the culmination of over seven hours of degrading negligence spread over two days, accompanied by a host of deliberate lies and financial threats - is even more insulting. The guy who whined to me earlier that i was being "rude" and disgusting - does he consider getting spammed by comcast text messaging (over 50 automated texts in less than 15 minutes) harassment? How about the day when I got 30 text messages, one every 5-10 minutes or so, constantly bothering me while i was trying to sleep? Is that harassment? Oh, wait, we're not gonna talk about that. We're just gonna talk about how rude *I* am. How nice. I suck as a customer, but I can't even remotely, vaguely hint that comcast stinks as a corporation.

Don't worry, though. In case the "customer service" rep is upset, i've deleted all contact info from my devices. There's no way for me to contact him now, so he won't have to listen to me bad-mouth his precious employer.

Official Employee


2.1K Messages


mro121, I can totally understand how frustrating it would be to experience this and not have the support needed for your service issues. These days, with how connected we are, I would be just as upset having to spend the time you mentioned without a resolution. My father battled cancer, and I'm sure it's not easy, so I trully hope your're able to battle and fight it off. I'm glad to hear your test was okay. Are you still experiencing any service issues? Or were you advised if the previous issues were related to a known service interruption? 


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