3 Messages
I am a gig+ customer. I received the email stating Peacock would be continuing and that I qualify for the additional two years. The automated system tells me i have it when i call in. I have contacted support via chat twice and waited on hold for over an hour to speak to a live agent, all who confirmed in eligible. I still do not have access. All of the agents I spoke with, who all confirmed my eligibility all say they have no idea when it will be fixed, can't tell me the problem, and have not followed up with me since my initial contact regarding this issue on June 26th. The last agent I spoke with July 5th said it should be fixed in a few days but that he can't say for sure bedbugs he didn't want to get my hopes up, but that I would get a credit for all the days lost. This is ridiculous. I have followed every step, restarted everything, confirmed accounts match and am getting no help from xfinity. I don't know what else to do.

3 Messages
2 years ago
I contacted them again and got no help. The only thing the rep could do was offer me a credit for $6 so I could pay for it myself in the meantime. I'm wary off doing that because the first error I got from peacock was that if your paying for it yourself and are supposed to get it free, it won't change itself if they fix it and I'd have to remember to cancel my payment for the free one to take over.
4 Messages
2 years ago
I have tried using the instructions on the web site and just go in circles. Calling Xfinity was useless; the rep was completely clueless about this and kept telling me the Stream app wasn't working (which has NOTHING to do with Peacock). Every couple of days I try the useless web instructions as I refuse to pay for something I'm supposed to get for free. I have tried making a new Peacock account with my "preferred" email on my account and with my Comcast email address and signing up from scratch, all to no avail. Can't help but think fixing this issue isn't a high priority for them as people who really want it will probably cave in and pay.