Friday, March 15th, 2024 6:25 AM


TCM disappearance

Why can’t I get an answer as to why TCM disappeared from my programming in Minneapolis without any explanation or notification?

Retired Employee


729 Messages

10 months ago

Hello @user_8c4fxb  How long have you noticed they aren't listed? Are there any other networks no longer appearing?

5 Messages

Espnu, nfl network…..

Thes were originally part of my sports and entertainment package thnat i was paying more for. Bujt that no longer shows up uder my account


Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

10 months ago

5 Messages

I appreciate all the community replies but I DO understand that the Sports and entertainment package includes TCM. But - when I originally purchased my Xfinity cable Triple Play package I did include the Sports and Entertainment package option, hence I had been getting TCM for several years. The issue now is that sometime around the beginning of 2024 it disappeared along with the NFL network, etc without warning or explanation even though my monthly charges increased  by $45. All attempts to find out what happened from xfinity either on liner, telephone or visiting their local store has been fruitless. There is no separate Sports and Entertainment package available to be had and all I’m told is that TCM is no longer available in my area. 

Official Employee


1.7K Messages


user_8c4fxb We would be more than happy to review your account, and see what happed to the Sports Enterianment Package. Please send us a direct message. 
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