Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 7:35 PM


Where can I find a listing of ONLY the channels and add-ons I subscribe to?

I have seen questions similar to mine but I just cannot believe the answers are accurate - the most recent I saw was from May 2022. All I want is something simple: a listing of all the channels I subscribe to,  including add-ons. In this forum, I have seen various questions similar to mine. The most common answer is that customers cannot see a lineup specifically showing ONLY their channels and add-ons. At least one such answer was from an Xfinity employee.

That answer was two years ago, so I'm hoping that in the past 24 months, Xfinity has realized the absurdity of refusing to allow their customers to see a listing of exactly what they are paying for. it doesn't seem to be an extravagant request by me or fellow customers: please show me exactly what I receive from Xfinity when I pay Xfinity $---.--/mo. Why would Xfinity refuse to do this? I don't know of any other business that will not allow you to see what you pay for.

Please do not respond with useless answers stating that I can see the channel lineup that I subscribe to  by clicking on the corresponding plan. I understand which plan I subscribe to, but I am also ALLEGEDLY receiving a few add-ons through various promotions (Paramount+, Peacock Premium, etc). But I can't find a listing that shows my TV channels plus my add-ons. This is not a complex request. I pay for channels and add-ons, I would like to see those channels and add-ons listed. I should not have to go to the streaming app to find out if I am receiving what I am paying for. I shouldn't have to turn my TV on and access the guide to see exactly what TV channels I am receiving (which still doesn't show my streaming options, as far as I know). I am here online and it is absurd that Xfinity refuses to allow me to see a listing of what I pay for.

I hope I am wrong - I hope that Xfinity now allows customers to see exactly what they are buying each month. It seems to me I should be wrong here and I'm hoping I just haven't seen updated answers to the various iterations of my question (the questions and answers I have seen thus far are closed, so I've not seen recent q & a's. I realize it's possible, even likely that there are more recent discussions about this topic. So far, I've seen 6 similar posts with the most recent being 24 months ago).

Upon rereading this, I realize that I might not have been unequivocally clear about what I want: I want to see a listing of only the channels and add-ons I receive, and I want to see that in one listing. I don't want to have to go view my bill and go to various pages, etc. Simple: I click somewhere and one listing appears. Please help me - I'm just a simple minded small town boy so I hope that is why I am unable to find what I'm looking for. That would explain things if indeed such a listing is available and I'm just too dense to have found it.

One example of the current inconvenience: when I click on my plan, it shows the channels I receive, and it also shows various add-ons that are available to purchase. I already am allegedly receiving two of those add-ons. The fact that those add-ons are shown to me as available to purchase makes me think something is wrong. Why would I see an offer to purchase something that I already am receiving? Why would I purchase something I am already receiving?

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

10 months ago

Good Afternoon, @user_fsd4am! Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to us here on the Xfinity Forums. I appreciate you sharing all the details and feels regarding the channel line-up. 


I know you mentioned the browsing, and that is going to be our best route to viewing the channel you have is visiting here https://www.xfinity.com/stream/listings. We are always looking for wayt to improve our customers experience, and I do love the idea of having it all listed available online via each individual account including the aditional services that someone might be subscribed to. We will document the feedback, and share it with our teams. Please let us know if you have any other questions/concerns. 

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

10 months ago

... All I want is something simple: a listing of all the channels I subscribe to ...

That's what https://www.xfinity.com/support/local-channel-lineup consisted of several years ago, but now, like the link the Employee posted above, it lists every channel on the local system. Why the change? I can only guess that management decided to save a few pennies by simplifying the contents of that page. Now, the only way I know of to get the listing you are asking for is to make one yourself. Sorry!

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5 months ago

I have to agree with user user_fsd4am and BruceW - Xfinity please implement a list of channels that we are currently paying for. Notify us when the listing changes - post it on your website publicly, and email us, or give us some control panel to select our preferred options for such notification. 

The issue is this - when I signed up for xFinity TV service years age, I had a list of channels at the time. That channel list changes over time based on changes to broadcaster and provider licensing agreements (such as local/regional sports networks)... so I now don't know if I channel I used to get last week is no longer working due to a signal issue, or if I now need to change my plan because that channel has been moved into a different service tier. 

In my particular case when I signed up for service years ago I had a channel and internet combo plan that was something like 120 or 160 channels and 200mb download speed internet. My account now shows 55+ channels and 1200mb download. I certainly would never have increased my download speed to that degree as it doesn't serve my needs. Nor would I have cut back my TV channels to such a limited degree. As it is I cannot tell whether I am supposed to get the Hallmark and the American History Channel. I used to, but I don't know if the package changed, or my cable box just needs to retune those stations, but because you've trained your customers to NOT TRUST YOUR SUPPORT AND ESPECIALLY SALES people, I will never call to find out, because I am sure I would be told that I do not have access to those channels any longer without paying more for a "better" plan, and I have no way to learn the truth. 

When I get around to it after more important things in November I'll probably file complaints with the FCC, my municipal authority, the state utility regulator, and the local broadcast TV news problem solver / fixer type folks. It probably won't amount to anything worthwhile, but this is simply unacceptable. When I sign into my account, I should always be able to see what I am currently paying for. I get to see how much data I have used on my internet and how many calls I have made on my phone plan, so why can't I see what stations/channels I have? 

Official Employee


2.9K Messages

@itsnotattatleast Thank you for reaching out today! I am just the person to help you in resolving any questions or concerns about your channel line up. Any changes will be listed on your billing statement normally a month in advance before any changes happen. The link: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/id11-channel-lineup can be helpful in locating your channel lineup for your address. Another great feature would be to use our Free to Me Filter (which is a filter for only those programs included in your subscription) on your TV box. You can follow the link: https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/x1-filtering-on-demand to learn more! If you have any additional questions you can reach out to the Digital Care Team at any time as we are here for you! We can assist with all your account needs from troubleshooting together to billing inquiries and more!

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