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I am writing this review to share my dissatisfaction with Xfinity and Diamond Sports group’s greed and total disregard for the customer.
For all my life (25 years) i’ve been able to watch my local atlanta sports teams for FREE on local channels. I caved in and paid for cable with the move to Bally Sports. Now this past summer you alp completely remove bally from my package as there was no agreement, yet when an agreement is made it completely crushes the customer base who enjoyed bally sports and placed the channel on an “ultimate tv” package. Since when does watching your local team play fall under “ultimate tv”. Thats just greed and an attempt to bend over your customers and hike up prices for the millionth time. I will not be paying for “Ultimate Tv” to watch the hawks and will be cancelling cable all together after football szn. And i will be able to watch the HAWKS FOR FREE surfing this glorious place called the internet. Also your X1 remote app hasnt worked on IOS in years ans despite my numerous calls seeing as this is a feature i “pay” for, nothing has changed. The era of streaming wars has been a huge let down for simple cable users who dont want a million channels they’ll never watch.
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
3 months ago
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