Thursday, November 21st, 2024 1:19 AM


Hello, my area had an outage today and I missed work due to being a work from home rep. 

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

3 months ago


user_ast16y Hello there! We are sorry to hear that you are having issues with the connection at home, our team is here happy to help. Thanks for using our Forums to contact us and it is my pleasure to work with you since I also work from home and have been in your position before. Have you checked out Xfinity App to viw the service interruption details? Our team always work as quickly as possible to resolve any customer impacting issues. 




6 Messages

3 months ago

Ya I just got an outage that the outage map only shows me as the one person without internet. Can’t speak to anybody. My wife works from home so this is unacceptable. I’m done

Official Employee


2.8K Messages

Hey there, user_845e59, thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums. I would be happy to take a look at your connection to check on any service interruption details. 


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6 Messages

Ya I don’t see no pencil and paper anywhere or can’t figure out how to DM anybody here. 



6 Messages

No weather issues here, 2nd time in a week we are without internet for no apparent reason at all. The phone line says it’ll be 26hrs. My wife can’t work without internet. 

1 Message

3 months ago

We were without any internet service - and because our phone is also serviced by xfinity, without any phone connection for nearly a week. Power was out for almost 8 hours from the 19th. When power returned on Wednesday morning, connected on the internet for only a few seconds before we lost all internet access. We have no wireless mobile service either (as it's redundant to our landline and we're not heavy phone users). So, we were in the dark as far as the internet despite power was back in our house.

It is unacceptable and frustrating. During the 6 days without any internet, we kept contemplating about more reliable internet options (such as the companies offering fiber, which presumably would "weather" power outages due simply from wind storms), especially when the list of available wifi detected in the neighborhood was filled with Century Link!!

Comcast should know full and well at the turn of the winter season, this region is affected by wind storms that occasionally result in power outages (thankfully, most are very brief of less than an hour, while the recent outage is among the longer). Though we have had internet outages here and there, they would be so brief (minutes, hours), they were forgivable. Why wasn't Comcast prepared for the winter, even while we're sent pointless emails about preparing for winter "inconveniences"?

With the latest internet loss of not just hours but days on end, we realized how vulnerable we are exposed to internet disruptions of long duration. I had upcoming bills to pay, which these days are scheduled online. And funds to transfer to meet those financial obligations - again, transactions all conducted online. Couldn't access any of my accounts. Though there are public wifi available at nearby stores, I cannot trust piggybacking on public wifi with my financial accounts. "Old school" alternatives are limited, especially with paperless statements that left me clueless of the amount due. Sure, I could mail in a payment but how much? And to what address?

And we shouldn't be forced to pay for wireless mobile service that we wouldn't otherwise need just as a backup for internet breakdowns.

Soon to be former Comcast/xfinity customer!

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