2 Messages
Promotion not honored- Only way out was to cancel
So I had a promotion with Xfinity for two years $40 a month with 300 M BPS speed. Another Internet company approached us last month offering a better deal. So I reached out to customer support at Xfinity and inform them of the better deal so I was offered double the speed at the rate of $35. I was told that initially it will show up as $60.00 on my end but as of a week later that will auto correct to 35$ after the deal gets accepted. So I called the next week after I realized that this did not happen and was informed by one of the customer representatives that such a deal cannot be offered and I can try to call after a week to see if there are new deals. So I spoke to a representative a week later whom offer to make some changes so I'll end up paying around $45. However two days later I still noticed that this did not happen. So I called customer service and informed them and again their answer was there is nothing they can do the best offer would be $60.
I have been lied to not once but twice on text with screenshots to prove it and their only answer was that it's either I pay this or I have to cancel there's no other way around. I wasted multiple hours with these people. They didn't even honor their word the first time and not even the second time. This is a bunch of scam that needs to be reported and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and needs to be stopped.
108.6K Messages
4 months ago
The concern is not "Community Center" help related. Topic moved here to the proper help section, and for greater exposure to Comcast corporate employees (The Digital Care Team) for assistance.
Official Employee
1K Messages
4 months ago
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