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Yet another Xfinity Scam
Well it happened to me folks. Got hit with an Xfinity scam just like the rest of you. These scammers had all my recent information such as my last billing amount, my current and previous address, full name, and my bank accounts last 4 digits.
I went ahead and contacted Xfinity and Xfinity security department to let them know of this issue. But I would like to share it to the rest of you in case they try to hit you with said scam.
Basically these scammers were saying that they were connected with Xfinity and that they were the "Xfinity promotional discounts department"
Trying to offer me my same promotional discount of 60$ monthly but insisted that if I wanted to keep said promotion, I'd have to pay for the promotion activation because that $60 promotion was exprired. They tried to get me to pay for a one time charge to update the promotion with a 2 year extension at $159.99 (giving me a $20 discount) to bring it down to $139.99. I thought something was fishy so I called Xfinity and my bank fraud detection center to bring it up to their attention as well.
Now that Xfinity security department has there information. I'm also going to put it in this comment section. Maybe it'll help someone out in the future.
We all know these call centers love using fake names. The names I was given was of the following:
[Edited: "Fraud information"]
Claimed to be Xfinitys Promotional discount department
Told me their name would appear as "D providers llc" on my credit card statement
Hope that helps. Hate these scammers
Tags: #fraud, #scam, #scammers, #phishing, #phished, #annoyed, #customer #service, #security
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