

2 Messages

Thursday, July 29th, 2021 1:03 AM


Can you have multiple live views going at once?

I had a cheap cam system from amazon, it allowed me to display all 4 of my cams on one monitor with a live feed. Is there anyway you can do something similar with xfinity? I tried hooking up a tablet to display onto the monitor, but I could only get one live feed at a time. Do i need to get the portal thing to display multiple cameras?

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

3 years ago

I appreciate you bringing your question about your Xfinity Home service to our forum page, @Nerolord48! At this time, we only have the option to view one feed at a time, but that is a wonderful suggestion that I'll be sure to forward for you. I think a lot of people would love the option to view multiple feeds at once! For now, you can see how to view feeds from the app here

Official Employee


515 Messages

3 years ago

I wanted to add that we do have a view on most Touchscreen Controllers that can show recent thumbnail images that are updated about every minute showing all of your cameras. You can then easily tap on any of the thumbnails to go to a live view of a specific camera.

To set that up, tap on the Settings icon on your Touchscreen in the upper-right, choose Display Options, Home Screen Options, scroll down and choose "Cameras" at the bottom.


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