1 Message
No doorbell wiring, just want camera
I want to install the xfinity doorbell camera only. There’s no previous wiring. I bought a 16-24 VAC plug-in transformer and just hooked up the two wires directly to the doorbell. It worked for 30 minutes and then went dead. Will not come back on. The voltage meter shows 27.4 VAC. I unplugged it for a day and plugged it back on. Still nothing. I wanted to replace my Geeni doorbell camera, which was wired directly from the transformer’s two wires also, with the xfinity doorbell camera. I hooked the Geeni back up and it’s working fine. The xfinity is DOA. My question is can the xfinity be wired directly to the transformer with no chime and chime kit not being used? It didn’t seem to last long, where the Geeni has been working for months.
Official Employee
1K Messages
1 year ago
Hey there, I am not 100% on that but I think our best bet would be getting an Xfinity Home certified technician out there for you. Send a DM to XFINITY SUPPORT with your name and address to get started on that process!
2 Messages
1 year ago
Hey - curious if you ever got this resolved? I know it's been a while since you posted.
108.1K Messages
1 year ago
Please create a new topic of your own here on this board detailing your issue. Thanks. The original poster has not returned. 4-month-old dead thread is now being closed.
For future reference, it is better to submit your own post as it creates a ticket to get help, and posting on someone else's older thread can delay getting help.