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3 Messages
Comcast lost my business phone number and porting it out to a third party
Thousands of companies and business clients have my number for 20 years. Now they cannot reach me and they cannot leave voice messages. I just had major surgery and my three specialist doctors cannot contact me.
Comcast says I owe them $238 plus for the last three months when they made a deal because of lack of service for those months that I would simply pay $75 a month as usual and the cost would be for gone. I could not conduct zoom calls they would get dropped phone numbers could not be reached it made our company look incompetent and I was not getting the mobile service. They promised yet they’re trying to make me pay for that service and they held up the port of my business number to another company. This was even though they could see the notes from the agent who made this agreement they will not honor their side and this is causing me huge amounts of reputation loss for our technology business .
I understand they have done this to 8000 other people as reported above. This is horrific and unconscionable!
I have no alternative, but to pay them for service they have not given me.
Regular Visitor
3 Messages
1 year ago
What can we do when a company like this makes an agreement to provide services and then doesn’t but still makes you pay for what you did not get and they hold your phone number of 20+ years for business as Ransom?
did they damage others as they damaged us? What have others done? The damage from just losing this phone number is in calculable.