Monday, September 9th, 2024 6:17 PM

Good Bye Xfinity Mobile (soon to be all Xfinity)

I have never had such a frustrating time with any carrier.  I was visiting my elderly parents this past week.  My parents are in their 80's and I was the one that moved them onto Xfinity Internet and Mobile when I found out what Verizon was charging them.  

My mother had lost her phone.  It happens not a big deal.  I got her another phone (not one from Xfinity since she very well may loose it again).  It was compatible with Xfinity as it was an unlocked phone.  However it needed a pSIM.  All I can say is wow you would think that Xfinity was protecting Ft. Knox.  I logged into the app as I am not the primary used but the Manager on the account to allow me to help take care of the account in case of something bad happening.  

When we found out we needed a pSIM to make the phone work we went to the local store.  Unfortunately my father did not realize that his drivers license has expired.  Strange in New Mexico after 75 years old you have to go in annually and not necessarily on your birthday to renew.  No problem the people we spoke to on phone with Xfinity stated that the manager can request a new pSIM.  

We go to the local store (only one store in the City).  We get there and explain the situation.  Only to be informed by the local rep named Edgar that store policy was the managers on accounts can no longer obtain pSIM.  I asked for the written policy from Edgar.  To which I was told there was not a written policy the store Manager Gabe Garcia had stated this was the policy.  

At this point my father stated lets go and we will find a carrier that will support him.  This is a pSIM card.  I did not even ask the store to do anything.  I could have changed the card online.  However you cannot get a pSIM in the store.  The online support would gladly send a pSIM to him in 2 to 3 business days.  Then why have a physical store?  

Now this is all after spending hours on the phone with support.  Had I known that Xfinity made getting pSIM this difficult I might have chosen another phone.  It turns out the resolution to this problem was simple, go to Target but a pSIM for another carrier and log in to the app and get a transfer code.  Took about 15 minutes to leave Xfinity and get the phone number up on a different carrier.  

Short version of the story.  Get exit code and transfer to another carrier since Xfinity local stores do not want your business.  The online support seems to be much more helpful.  

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