

5 Messages

Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 1:09 PM


Block an email domain

Hi Everyone,

    I need to block the domain googlegroups.com.  Not to confuse it with groups.google.com.  googlegroups.com is a spam address and i keep getting emails from them, despite having MULTIPLE filters to reject them.  Is there a support email address for comcast I can send the email to so they can block it on their end?  If not, what can i do to make sure these get blocked?  I don't even want to see their emails in my spam folder.

Thank you


Accepted Solution

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

1 year ago

.. block the domain googlegroups.com ...  i keep getting emails from them, despite having MULTIPLE filters to reject them. ...

Comcast doesn't do custom blocking. If the "From:" address (or some other header) always contains "googlegroups.com", a filter with a condition like:

        Sender/From    Contains    googlegroups.com

should match it. If the domain appears in some other header you can use

        Header     [name]    Contains    googlegroups.com

to catch it.

I'd suggest beginning by creating a Temp folder and setting the filter Action to "Move to folder" to put matching emails in Temp until you are sure the filter is working correctly.

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6 Messages

Spam from India and China is what I’m trying to outright reject before it even hits my spam folder. The option I selected is “discard”.

Official Employee


895 Messages

1 year ago

Which messages are you referring to?  Is there a specific message that is getting through to you that you'd like to mention? (I see "Support" and "Geek Squad" frequently).  The best response is to ensure you're marking the messages as spam as that helps train the filters.



5 Messages

I mark everyone as spam, and they end up in my spam folder.  I add filters to block them out completely, but the subject line changes with each email.  It would just be better for me to block the domain 'googlegroups.com'

6 Messages

I don’t even want it getting to my spam folder. There may actually be something I legitimately need and I don’t want to have to sift through a bunch of foreign sourced garbage to get to it. 



4 Messages

I understand what you asking for and I am asking the same. I would like block any email coming from gmail.com as 95% of it is spam. The same hold true for any email with edu anywhere in the address - only 100% of these mails are spam. I would like to block any email by country of origin such as Russia (ru) or India (in) or China (ch). I can't find a way to do this using xfinity's program however, even by adding wildcards. Can any one help with this?



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