calaf54's profile

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10 Messages

Monday, September 2nd, 2024 8:27 PM

cannot receive any email via outlook

Suddenly, today all my comcast email accounts are disconnected from outlook, which keeps asking for log-in credentials, even after I changed my password on one account.  All my emails have disappeared from outlook.  What is going on?  I have tried repairing the accounts, updating outlook, etc. Nothing works!

I have spent HOURS online with Xfinity Chat w/o a diagnosis much less a solution.  TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!  TOTAL INCOMPETENCE!! The person doesn't seem to understand English or is being intentionally obtuse.  I tell him/her that I'm having trouble receiving email & they want to send me an email to confirm my account (an email they never sent, BTW!)  Then they suggested that I'd deleted my emails, which I did not, nor did I communicate that to them.  Customers do not need platitudes, they need answers to their questions - their ACTUAL questions, not some script that usually has nothing to do with the problem.

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