Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 1:09 AM


Comcast Email Not Loading

I have an older email address that was supposed to be "re-activated" when I signed up for a new service. However when I try to load the email it just says "connecting" and re-loads the page constantly without actually letting me access my emails. I need some of these emails for critical password resets etc. Can anyone please help?

Official Employee


1.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi! Thank you for reaching out on the Xfinity Community Forums. We are happy to look into this for you. Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

To send a "Direct Message":
Click "Sign In" if necessary
• Click the "Direct Message chat" icon
• Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
• Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
• Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
• Press Enter to send it

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