Thursday, March 7th, 2024 9:33 PM


Delete unread emails

How to delete unread emails



29.6K Messages

1 year ago

Assuming you are using only the webmail UI and a browser, in the list of messages on the Inbox page, check the box next to the message you want to delete, then click on the trashcan icon in the toolbar.  You caould also right-click on the message, then hit "Delete" in the menu that appears.



2 Messages

i want a way to delete ALL unread emails....I have 20,000 of them, which is most of my email. I do not want to go thru them one by one

Official Employee


2K Messages

Thank you for reaching out to us @rachian2! At the top left of your inbox, you can search the email address of a known sender you want to delete emails from. After searching the email address:


Check the box next to that sender’s email
hold the shift key and the down arrow on your keyboard
This should highlight multiple emails
From here you can click the trash can icon to delete all highlighted emails

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