How are you accessing your email? If you sign into your Comcast account, click on the profile icon to the right, and you should get a drop-down showing "Check Email" as an option.
grandpaglenn Hi there! Our awesome team will be happy to help you set up your email account. Can you initiate a direct message and start with your full name and address? To start a direct message, you must be signed in. Please click the "Direct Messaging" icon in the top right of the page next to the bell, and send your message to "Xfinity Support". Talk to you there!
29.6K Messages
1 year ago
How are you accessing your email? If you sign into your Comcast account, click on the profile icon to the right, and you should get a drop-down showing "Check Email" as an option.
Official Employee
2.3K Messages
1 year ago