New Poster
2 Messages
Email blocked
I had inadvertently moved mail to SPAM and now they are BLOCKED can you unblocked them on my account.
New Poster
2 Messages
I had inadvertently moved mail to SPAM and now they are BLOCKED can you unblocked them on my account.
29.6K Messages
10 months ago
Go into the Spam folder and mark them as "Not Spam". Or, drag and drop it from Spam back into the Inbox. That should help. Usually it takes a lot of markings as Spam for the filters to start sending messages to the Spam folder. If not--------------
Call Comcast security. They handle any blocking issues----------------------
Comcast Customer Security Assurance-------------------
Normal business hours (6:00 am to 2:00 am EST, 7 days a week) 1 - 888-565-4329
Official Employee
2.4K Messages
10 months ago
Hey there, @Hickey1379 thanks for reaching out through Xfinity Forums regarding your issue with your email filters. Here is a link with the details on how to change your spam filters, Let us know if this helps!