ajhgden's profile



8 Messages

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023 8:09 PM


emails not received by recipients

Some of my emails are not being received by my recipients. After I send the email, I get the message that email was sent, but my recipient never receives it. Why is this and what can be done about it. 

I only find out the recipient never received the email because after a few weeks of no response, I call them to ask them if they received it and that's when they tell me they never received it. 

Is it something with their email server or some SPAM block they have and need to fix to receive my emails or is this an issue Comcast/Xfinity needs to fix for me on my end? Does Comcast/Xfinity need to remove SPAM blockers from my IP address or update my SPAM filters or what? 

It is very frustrating to wait around for a response to my email only to find out the recipient never received it. This has been going on for years with my Xfinity email account, but sometimes it is worse than other times. 

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

2 years ago

Hello @ajhgden, thanks for reaching out for help with your emails.

Are you having this issue with multiple people, or is this just happening when sending emails to one specific person? Also, are you emailing this person directly, or is this being sent as a group email and only some people are not receiving it? 

If there are attachments in the email, you can also try removing the attachments and just sending them a test email directly to see if they receive it. If not, have the receiver check their spam folders and spam settings to see if that helps. 



8 Messages


Hi, thanks for your prompt response. The issue is with multiple random people and can happen when sending emails to people  directly and can happen when being sent as a group email (in the group email only 1-3 people are not receiving it, but other people are). There are no attachments in these emails that are not being received. When I find out the emails are not being received (after I call the person after they haven't responded in a week to my email), I ask them to double check their Spam folders and the email is not there. So the emails are simply not being sent either because it is an issue with Comcast or with the recipient's server. 

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

That definitley sounds frustrating, are the same people not receiving the emails repeatedly, or are they receiving some emails and not receiving others?

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8 Messages

At times, the emails to the person are received, but not at other times. So it is random as to if/when they receive the emails. 

Official Employee


1.2K Messages

@ajhgden Are these emails from your comcast.net address or are you using a different domain email when sending? As far as the persons not gettting them, are they on the same domain or is it random? 

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8 Messages

@XfinityFrank​ These emails not being received by my intended recipients are all from my comcast.net address. No I am not using a different domain email when sending.

As far as the persons not getting them, they are sometimes on same domain but more often they are on different, random domains.



108.6K Messages

2 years ago

The concern is not "Community Knowledge Base" related. Topic moved here to the proper help section for assistance. 

Official Employee


194 Messages

2 years ago

@ajhgden - 

I sent you a direct message asking for more details.  Please reply privately to the message with the details I asked about, and I'll take a closer look.



8 Messages

2 years ago

These emails not being received by my intended recipients are all from my comcast.net address. No I am not using a different domain email when sending.

As far as the persons not getting them, they are sometimes on same domain but more often they are on different, random domains.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Hello @ajhgden, thank you for taking the time to reach out on social media.  I understand your concern with the emails, and I'd like the opportunity to check into that for you. 
To access your account, will you please send us a direct message with your full name and complete service address to “Xfinity Support”. To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forums page.
Here's the detailed steps to direct message us:
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5 Messages

1 year ago

I am having the same issue with individual emails as ajhgden. People are simply not receiving my emails. This is my work computer, and I've had a comcast.net for years. But when people don't receive emails from me, it is a BIG problem, because that's my WORK.



8 Messages

It is a BIG problem for sure, as it is my work too. BTW, Xfinity never resolved this issue for me. Very frustrating. I wish I could help you and tell you what steps Xfinity took to resolve the issue, but they just dropped the conversation with no follow up. I am sorry. 

5 Messages

Thank you for this caring response.

I'm sorry Xfinity abandoned your conversation especially because you had very patiently explained the situation.
I suspect it has something to do with emailing to custom extensions, vs. traditional @aol.com, @yahoo.com, @comcast.com, etc.

this has cost me about six hours of work today, and I am a writer on deadline. Fortunately, I work with cool people who are making accommodations for me.

Xfinity should care about this. I'll be happy to give up my gold member rewards points for it. 😡

Official Employee


2.1K Messages

Our team is here to help, @ajhgden. Please send a direct chat message with your full name and complete service address to “Xfinity Support”? To do so, click on the chat icon located at the top right of this forum's page.
Here are the detailed steps to direct message us:
• Click "Sign In" if necessary
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31.2K Messages

1 year ago

FWIW, you should never use a residential service for work email.  Comcast is an ISP and doesn't necessarily have to provide email service.  Google Workspace offers email and more for small businesses at a very low price per month, and it may be worth checking out.

5 Messages

Thank you for your kind advice.

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

We appreciate you visiting our Xfinity Community Forums for additional assistance with your email concerns @user_u5hmvi when posting we ask that you include as much detail about your set up and what you have tried to give us a better picture of what is going on and better assist. We do send public responses as well as work privately as it is with other users, however, if a user stops responding or does not respond for more than 3 days the system automatically closes this out and the user will need to make a new post or continue the previous conversation proactively. You can read more on our Xfinity Forum Guidelines. 


If you are still having issues please send us a direct message with your full name and service address and the email in question. 


To send a direct message: 


  • Make sure you are signed in here in the Xfinity Forum. Click "Sign In" if necessary
  • Click the "Direct Message" icon (square chat icon in the upper right corner of your screen next to the bell icon)
  • Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the "To:" line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list which appears. The "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
  • Press Enter to send it
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8 Messages

1 year ago

I know that this is an old post, but I am having the same issue, and I was wondering if there was ever any resolution to this.  I tried to follow the directions above to send a direct message, but failed at second step as there is no square chat icon next to the bell after I am signed in.

Here are my details:

  1. I have sent messages from two different laptops and my phone.
  2. If a group message, some recipients receive it, some do not.
  3. I have had a message to a single user fail also.
  4. The domains of the recipients vary from hotmail, gmail, comcast, and a public school and company registered domain.
  5. I do not get any notification that the email has not be sent or failed.
  6. The recipient does not have it in their junk or any other folder.  One consistent sendee is my husband, so I've been able to check his email and search for the emails that I have sent to him.  I have also sent email to his work email address, and he also has not received those.  I have also replied to an email he has sent to my comcast.net account, and he did not receive my reply.
  7. Except for when I sent the emails from my phone (using Samsung email client), I have only used the web browser "Webmail," logging into my Comcast account on the Xfinity site.  99.9% of the time, I am using Chrome.
  8. Edited to add that I tried logging in on Edge browser, and I experience the same issue - sent an email to my husband, and he did not receive it.




8 Messages

I am sorry you are having the same problems I originally posted about on Aug 1 2023. The details you listed (1-7) are identical to the issues I have been having. I have direct messaged Xfinity as they requested me to do and have had no response or resolution. Very frustrating. If you receive any information on how to resolve this issue, please post. Thanks!

8 Messages

Wow - I cannot believe there is no resolution - never mind response - from xFinity.  Did you notice this problem before August?  Or did it just start happening before you posted?  I just became aware earlier this month, but I wonder if there were other messages as far back as August - like you say, how do you know with some of them?  Come to think of it, I had sent an email to a seller who contacted me about a question on an order I placed back in August, and they said that they had never received the email. I figured it was a junk/filter issue, and didn't give it another thought because my second email to them was received.  That's the frustrating thing - it's not consistent.

Today (on my work computer) I see the square chat icon, so I will submit my message directly to them as well - maybe they will not be able to ignore all of us.  T-Mobil wants to sell me internet for $30 a month, so I have alternatives . . .

5 Messages

I finally got through to someone on the PHONE. They ran diagnostics and said there's nothing wrong on my side. I wasn't satisfied, so she forwarded my issue to a technician, who ran more diagnostics and further even test-emailed to someone who wasn't receiving my emails. That someone got nothing, so they determined that it's a problem on the receiver's end, that their settings of what to allow and what not to allow. I registered my concern with my company, who kept saying it issue must be Comcast/Xfinity's because they would NEVER ... until I learned that their contract tech guy had been tweaking THEIR server. 

No one on their side ever said anything to me, but a day later, miraculously, my emails started going through to them.

Settings, permissions, whatever you call it, it could very well be an issue with your intended recipient.
Good luck!

8 Messages

@user_u5hmvi​ I wish it was just one user, but so far I have had multiple users at all different domains not be able to get my emails, so I can't go around to "hotmail.com" for example and ask them to tweak their settings.

Official Employee


2.5K Messages

Hello, @lynnec32. Thanks for reaching out with your email concerns. Our team would be happy to help. Please be reminded that sending unsolicited Direct Messages to an Official Employee of the Xfinity Community Forum, is a violation of Forum Guidelines. If needed, we may invite you to send us a Direct Message. 


You did a great job of breaking down the problem and how you are using the service. I do not see this as a known issue being worked on by our Engineers so we will further troubleshoot. Have you tried to access the email box from a Private or Incognito browser and sending an email? If you have, does that come through or it does not show up either? 

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1 Message

1 year ago

I’m having the same trouble with my emails not being received. I tried putting myself on a group email and I never received it. It was from my Comcast.net account to my Comcast. Net account. It shows up in my Sent folder but not my Inbox. 

Official Employee


1.1K Messages

Hello @user_xwse9k, thanks for reaching out for help with your emails. 

When you added yourself to the group email, was there anyone else in the group that also did not receive your email? Also, are you only noticing this in a group email setting, or do you also email people directly who are not receiving your emails? If there are attachments in the email, you can also try removing the attachments and just sending them a test email directly to see if they receive it. If not, have the receiver check their spam folders and spam settings to see if that helps.

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8 Messages

1 year ago

Hi - @XfinityAlex fixed my issue - at least it looks like he figured out the root cause.

I had a short URL in my signature (I'm a COLDEST water bottle ambassador) that I added around November 13th, and that was causing Xfinity's spam filter to not even let the email go out - so that's why it wasn't in the recipient's spam folder.  @XfinityAlex please feel free to comment with more detail or to correct my understanding.  Once I removed the URL, boom, I could email to my husband, and then I sent a group email to my son and daughter, and they replied in minutes that they had received them.

It seems like each one of us has experienced a different resolution (or not), but here's another possibility - if you have anything that goes out in your signature or other parts of your email (you can sometimes edit your "from" for example) - this might be what is getting caught in Xfinity's outgoing spam filter.


Official Employee


895 Messages

@lynnec32 A good summary.  It may not always be something in your signature, but it's certainly something to try.  Thanks for sticking with us so we could help you.

Frequent Visitor


9 Messages

1 year ago

Same issue for me.  I've had numerous emails sent to business clients that NEVER receive them.  It's a COMCAST issue.

Official Employee


895 Messages

@nashvillephotographer​ Could you DM me the email address you're using to send those messages?  I'll take a closer look at what might be going on.  If it's on our side, I'll try to get it resolved.

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