1 Message
Emails stopped coming to my inbox
I am out of the country and need to be connected to my emails. This morning no new emails were in my inbox. How do I fix this
1 Message
I am out of the country and need to be connected to my emails. This morning no new emails were in my inbox. How do I fix this
29.6K Messages
1 year ago
Comcast email can be wonky at best outside of the U. S. Suggestion---------------
Do you have another email account that is more international in nature, like Gmail or Outlook.com? If so, and assuming you can sign into the Comcast account, go into the mail settings and set it to auto-forward to that other account as a temporary fix. You just need to remember to disable the forwarding when you get back home.
Official Employee
4.2K Messages
1 year ago
Hey, @user_30vxzt! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums! I apologize to hear that you are having issues with your email while you are abroad! What @Latoque has mentioned is certainly a great first step. When you try to send/receive emails are you presented with an error message at all like an incorrect user ID/password or anything about the IP being blocked?