1 Message
How to change a secondary user name without changing the password
I have a Primary account ID, and three secondary Users/email addresses.
I'd like to change the spelling on one of the secondary addresses, without changing the password.
I'm aware of how to change the password through 'Account and Identity', but the email line in the utility (just above the line to change the password) doesn't seem to allow editing the actual name of the User; even though an Xfinity Agent said that it would.
I know I could remove the User altogether, and setup a new User, but when I've tried to do that, the system won't allow me to because I need to use the same phone number, and it says that the number is already associated with the Primary Account.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks much.
31.2K Messages
5 months ago
Changing the spelling of the username before the @comcast.net basically creates a brand new user. So, right now, if the current user has an email address, they will lose that address because Comcast no longer allows creation of a secondary email address.
So, a.) you can't change the spelling through an "edit" and b.) if you delete the users email you can't create another one. It's better to keep the misspelled email address.
I hope that makes sense.
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
5 months ago
We can definitely help out with this here through our Xfinity Forums, we just ask that you please send us a direct message with your full name and service address to get started.
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