4 Messages
Inbox emails disappeared
All Inbox emails prior to 12/2/24 at 12:59 in both Apple Mail and in Outlook app have disappeared. They are not on the web app for Xfinity Email. They are not in the Trash and have not been manually deleted. This happened once before, but I found them on the website and resent the ones I wanted, but this time, they aren't there)
Official Employee
1.5K Messages
1 year ago
Hello, @user_czhx02. Thanks for reaching our team regarding the email concerns. I certainly understand the importance of recovering those emails. Have you attempted to follow the steps HERE to try and recover the emails?
29.6K Messages
1 year ago
Do you have the account enabled on a device using the POP3 protocol? If so, it may be downloading the messages and then deleting them from the server.