1 Message
Landline not activated after 4 days and 5 chats
I added Xfinity voice to my service on 9/1. I have had to go on to lengthy chats 5 times and each time they tell me that the issue will be resolved in a few hours. Well 4 days later this is still not working. This displays a high level of incompetence at all levels within Xfinity. It’s been a waste of my time and one chat agent even suggested to send me a free cell phone even though I had made it clear we need a land line. I am so frustrated that Xfinity can not deliver on a very basic service and has wasted hours of my time.
Official Employee
2.3K Messages
1 year ago
Hello @user_84a71b
Could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? To send a direct message: