Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 3:48 AM

Cannot pay bill on mobile or web

I have an overdue bill. When I log into my account and head to the "Billing" page, I'm prompted to add a new payment method. When I click on that button, the page loads forever and eventually errors out. I've tried on multiple devices & multiple browsers. 

Official Employee


2K Messages

4 months ago

Thank you for reaching out to us @user_021cvm! For troubleshooting purposes, on one of your devices, preferably a computer or laptop please:

Clear cache, cookies, and browsing history.
Close all browser windows.
Sign in to your account here. https://customer.xfinity.com/billing/services
Please click on “cookie Preferences” at the very bottom of the page.
Click “Accept All”
Select “Save Changes”
Under Bill Settings, select Payment Methods.
Then click on Add Payment Method. This step will require you to confirm your identity by entering a six-digit code sent to a trusted contact method before proceeding. 

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