Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 6:57 AM

garbage cell service

for literally "months" now we have been having issues with texts.  they randomly fail to send.  for no reason.  doesnt matter where i am (this issue happens to 2 of the 3 lines - both are Android.  the apple line doesnt have the issue).  9 times out of 10 i have to restart my phone.  and then sometimes that doesnt even work.  there IS NO reason why this should even be happening.  YOU ARE WELL AWARE OF THE ISSUE and extremely quick to point the finger of cause/fault everywhere other than where it belongs.  i see countless people on here having the EXACT same issues..  so your gaslighting does not work anymore.  i cannot wait to switch carriers.  we have been with xfinity for like 7+ years.  from then to now, night and day.  the customer service absolutely sucks. i mean ZERO stars. PERIOD.  we went into an xfinity store and were told that our phones qualify for the trade in upgrade to S24's.  YOUR SALES ASSOCIATE looked at both of them AND said they both qualified for the trade in (which resulted in a $400 or $500 credit for or old phones when traded in for the S24).  WELL... WOULDNT YOU KNOW...?  our phones were sent back to us, AFTER OUR EMPLOYEE TOLD US THE QUALIFIED!!! the phones were a Note 9 and S10.  i called and spent WAY TOO MUCH time getting passed from person to person and then had to call again due to being disconnected.. the issue was "escalated" and was supposed to get a call back the following evening at 8:00 PM, which is the time i set with the lady i talked to. WELL... she ended up calling AT 7:00 PM instead of 8 and i was unavailable, WHICH IS WHY I SAID 8:00 PM!!  SO [Edited: Profanity] FRUSTRATING!!  i will be [Edited: Profanity] if i have to call in "AGAIN" FOR SOMETHING "YOU" HAVE COMPLETELY SCREWED UP.  now you have [Edited: Profanity] us over because what are we supposed to do?  stop paying? that wouldnt work out.  this is a hustle that you have pulled. one that is going to cost us $1,000 due to not getting our trade in rebate. I NEVER WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THIS PHONE IF I HAD TO PAY $1,000 for the stupid thing.  And the wife wouldnt have either...  all you have to do is reject the trade in.. oh yeah, AND have one of our employees tell us that the phones "DO" qualify.. even "AFTER" looking at them. 

SO...  its not just your network and the operations within that network that do not even meet satisfactory status, but your ethical practices are pathetic. scamming dirty tactics. PERIOD!!  we, actually "I", am considering speaking to our attorney about this. and its not even as much about the $1,000 as it is about the slime-ball shady "service" you have so boldly given to us. and you better bet that i am making this known in conversation to anyone thinking about either switching to you as a provider "OR" considering leaving your network. you need a serious overhaul.. from TOP TO BOTTOM.. AND YOUR WEBSITE (customer services) is THE WORST website, literally, that i have ever used..

Official Employee


3.1K Messages

3 months ago

@user_jqgpja We appreciate your time in reaching out to us here on our Xfinity Forums. I can understand how frustrating it would be to expect a trade in value based on an employee interaction and then end up not receiving it. I also want to look into the texts not sending. Please send us a DM to Xfinity Support with your full name, and address to get started. 

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