4 Messages
Cable Card Issue
I use TIVO and a cable card. When I swapped the cable card into a new TIVO box and activated, all but three or four cable network channels loaded. The ones that don't work give error. Do I need to get a new card. I have called in for assistance and they run all these test to no avail.
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
11 months ago
Hi, @tuckj1958. I see you are also running into some trouble with your cable card and TIVO. I've been able to help many customers here on forums with this concern, and I can assist you as well. Since I'm working with you already in private regarding another concern, I'll circle back in that conversation regarding the next steps. Thanks again
1 Message
8 months ago
Having a cable card issue on a tivo. Worked fine for the first month or so. Now when changing to some channels I get the Tivo screen that is for cable card setup that says:
This screen is displayed on behalf of your cable provider. In order to start cable service Please contact..." Hitting clear returns to tv. Similar to this discussion on the Tivo forums (However the email that seemed to help get this sorted out at comcast apparrently no longer exists...