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Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 1:20 AM


Cablecard can't tune all channels / Comcast Tech Support non-responsive

I have two cablecards - one in a Tivo (working), the other in a SD HDHomeRun Prime.  Last night, I upgraded the firmware on the SD HDHR and when it reconnected to Comcast, I was unable to tune most channels (HD, news channels, etc) that were available and are still on my TIVO.  When the tuner rescanned channels, the # went from 566 to 151.

When I tried to tune FoxNews, Golf Channel... my cablecard received a "not-subscribed" response from Comcast. 

19700101-00:16:44 Tuner: tuner1 streaming http to
19700101-00:16:44 CableCARD: tuner1 820 FNCHD (auto:327MHz-9) access = not-subscribed

I checked the network setup for the cablecard and the VCTID=48 but the VCT=0.  On my TIVO box the VCTID=48 but the VCT=7991.  So the headend is not passing the correct channel list to the my cablecard.

I called Comcast and talked to a number of techs who were clueless about cablecards.   There have been two tickets opened on this but nobody seems able to fix it.  Nobody has called me but 2 techs have wanted to set up a home visit.  I am convinced they do this so they can get it off their desk.  There is nothing wrong with my home setup (the TIVO and HDHomeRun are right next to each other off the same splitter and the signal strengths are good).  

So, I am posting here for two reasons.  1 - does anyone have any suggestions on how to get to the right people @ Comcast?  2-maybe someone at Comcast will be embarrassed by their poor support and try to help me get this fixed.  

Official Employee


455 Messages

2 years ago

Hello @JMN57 and thank you for reaching out over our Community Forum page. I am sorry to hear that you have lost some channels with your cable card. You have come to the right place to get this figured out. I would be happy to take a look at your account to see what's going on. Before we get started, could you please send our team a direct message with your full name and full address? Our team can most definitely take a further look at this issue.

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12 Messages

2 years ago

I message the information to Xfinity Support - this requires a Tier 3 tech with cablecard expertise.  From my end, I am not getting OOB lock.  It hunts for OOB and occasionally locks on but continues to search once it does not get the channel list (cablecard-oob)

Official Employee


455 Messages

I have had a lot of experience with cable cards. Since I show 2 boxes on the account, I need to verify which one has the issue. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

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12 Messages

@XfinityRobertA​ I DM'd the cablecard SN, HostID & Data so you should have all the info to identify which cablecard is the problem one.

Gold Problem Solver


26.2K Messages

2 years ago

@XfinityRobertAwrote: "... Since I show 2 boxes on the account, I need to verify which one has the issue."

The OP wrote in their OP (did you even read it???):

... SD HDHomeRun Prime ... upgraded the firmware ... unable to tune most channels ...

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12 Messages

2 years ago

Just to bring this saga up-to-date.  I had to travel and was away from my home so couldn't continue to work on this.  Just got back.

1) card still could not tune channels

2) I replaced card today (swapped @ Xfinity store).  Tier 1 tech "paired" it but it does not show validate.  I have no validation, no oob lock and no channel list. 

3) I can't do anything with the card - asking T1 to escalate to T3 as T1 can only pair and do hits to the box.

Side note - was running with TV Everywhere as backup.  That failed as well.  TVE is now only authorizing 72 channels.  No cablenews (CNN/Fox/MSNBC...) No ESPN.

I opened a ticket on that asking to talk to someone who has TVE expertise.

Basically a true cluster.  I can't get anyone at Comcast to fix either of these problems (admittedly the TVE is new but the cablecard has been fubar'd since early September). 

Only good thing is that my back up (a TIVO box) works.  Won't stream to my other houses but at least something until I get this resolved.

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12 Messages

2 years ago

Final resolution.

Worked through T3 tech - next step was to send tech on-site

On-site visit found a noise filter - tech found source of noise, fixed and removed filter

Still no go (even after multiple hits) - cablecard showed Authorized but not validated.  No OOB lock.

Independent of this, local work on backbone (I think they are dropping fiber in the neighborhood).

Day after work done, woke up and found I had OOB lock but no validation - called Tech for a hit - didn't do anything.  Asked for re-pairing.  they unpaired and then re-paired and then card got validated - then got channel list.  Everything started working.



2 Messages

2 years ago

Thanks for the info. I too have buggered cablecard but in my tivo. I have Friday off and will try unpair/pair request. Just horrible support. Hours on phone, no results, never a call back.

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