2 Messages
Tivo Pixelation
While researching my Tivo edge with Xfinity, I came across this forum. I moved to a new home and now my signal is so pixelated that I'm unable to watch any TV. It does not make a difference what channel I try.
I have had Xfinity come out 3 times who have been completely ridiculously unhelpful, all they have done is put a signal tester on the line and show me their results to be solid and strong, as usual it's Tivo's issue or the cable card. I have worked with Tivo, who has been somewhat helpful. They sent me channel diagnostics and concluded that my signal is too strong. I have put filters on the coaxial cable to reduce the signal strength, but it has not helped at all. So here I am stuck in the middle paying for a service that is unusable. I can call Xfinity and tell them what Tivo said, but I'm 99% sure I will get a 'not our problem' answer from Xfinity. I love my Tivo service with Xfinity and would hate to disconnect it. If I did that, I would go to YouTube TV because I'm so over Xfinity passing the blame.
Is Xfinity unwilling to support cable cards with Tivo any longer ? If that's the case just tell your customers so we can find other options.
Can anyone help me or have any suggestions ?
Official Employee
619 Messages
7 months ago
Thanks for reaching out on the forum @user_xzebya I apologize for the frustrating experience. We would be happy to assist.
Please send us a DM with your full name and address to Xfinity Support.
To send a direct message:
Click "Sign In" if necessary
Click the "Direct Message" icon or https://forums.xfinity.com/direct-messaging
Click the "New message" (pencil and paper) icon
The "To:" line prompts you to "Type the name of a person". Instead, type "Xfinity Support" there.
As you are typing a drop-down list appears. Select "Xfinity Support" from that list.
An "Xfinity Support" graphic replaces the "To:" line.
Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
Press Enter to send it
Official Employee
1.8K Messages
6 months ago
I'm really happy to hear our technicians were able to figure out what was going on with the connection, user_xzebya. Thanks for allowing us to help fix this situation once and for all. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to create a new public post. I will mark this post as resolved. Have a good one!
108.1K Messages
6 months ago
@user_xzebya @XfinityJoe @XfinityDilary
If known. Would you please share with the community what the solution for this issue was so that all readers here may benefit from it ? Thank you.
108.1K Messages
6 months ago
Glad you got it squared away ! And thank you for returning with the update !