Thursday, October 17th, 2024 2:32 PM

Account Reactivation

I am trying to reactivate a previous account under an old address to hopefully regain access to my Xfinity Mobile details, as my statement has the old address on it and I want to switch it to my current address. How can I go about this? Currently when trying to view my mobile account details, it gives me a message saying I am not a mobile customer, and I have reached out to support various times.

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673 Messages

4 months ago

@ayshuh If you are trying to look at your past mobile bills, perhaps this link might help. https://customer.xfinity.com/billing/mobile

2 Messages

I'm trying to reactivate an old account under an old address that I think my mobile account is linked to.

Official Employee


1.7K Messages


ayshuh, Hello, and thanks for reaching out to Xfinity Support. From the sounds of it, you would not be able to reactivate an old account, but you could set up a new account. Let us know if that is something that interests you. 


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