Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 2:30 AM



How do I block personal hotspot on a device

Official Employee


1.9K Messages

1 year ago

Greetings @user_82665d thank you so much for contacting our Xfinity Support Team over our Forums. We are happy to help with your questions about how to use the device settings. Can you please tell us what device we are working with?

2 Messages

Device is IPhone 8, how do I block the hotspot on my sons phone?

Official Employee


1.5K Messages

Thanks for confirming. To remove or rename a device registered to access Xfinity WiFi hotspots:

1. Sign in to your account or the My Account app and click or tap the Services tab/icon. 
2. From the Services page, under Internet, click Manage Internet.
3. Scroll down to Xfinity WiFi Hotspot Connected Devices and click Manage Devices.
4. Click Rename to edit your device name.
5. Click Remove to remove your device from the list of registered devices.
6. You'll see a confirmation message will appear.

Note: If you've reached your limit of 10 registered devices, you must remove a device before you can add another.
To register a device for access, just sign in to the xfinitywifi network on your device. If it's your first time accessing an Xfinity WiFi hotspot on the device, you'll be asked to sign in to your Xfinity account.

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