Friday, August 2nd, 2024 8:19 AM


I was cheated by Xfinity Mobile Sales team.

I started having internet with Xfinity in January 2024. Then very soon, within the same month, January, there was a sale lady name Mary called me and hot sale Xfinity Mobile to me. This was the nightmare starts. She said they had a mobile plan, which was only pay $15/month for upto10 lines, and each line has 1Gib data. She also said each line can have a free cell phone. That sounded unbelievable for me. I questioned her many times and she still insisted only need to pay $15 for up to 10 lines with 1Gib data each line, and free cell phones. I believed her and accepted the order. Later on, I called Xfinity service line and asked if Xfinity has this kind of plan. Xfinity hot line told me their plan is $15/month for only 1Gib data shared by several lines, not each line has 1 Gib data. Then I cancelled the order right away. 

But the next day, the sale lady, Mary, called me again and asked why I cancelled the order. I told Mary that Xfinity hot line told me they didn't have that kind of plan Mary sold. She insisted the plan she sold me was like what she told me, that was their special promotion. Let me trust her. I thought, she was a sale from Xfinity, then I trusted her again and placed the 2nd order. Again, I called Xfinity hot line and sounded not right again, then I cancelled the 2nd order.

This sale lady Mary called me again. She promised me that the plan was like what she said. I trusted her the 3rd time, and the 4th time, because I thought she was a representative from Xfinity. She said she would call me to follow up later. But I was still not quite sure the plan was like what she said. I called Xfinity hot line and got the same information, only 1 Gib shared by several lines.  At this time, I was shocked, and wanted to ask Mary why she lies to me. Since Xfinity hot line can't contact Mary for me. I had to wait for Mary called me since she told me she would call me again. But since then, she never called me. I waited for 3 days and didn't receive her call, then I decided to return the rest of the free cell phones. And of course, I have passed the return time period. Since then, the sale lady Mary never called me.

Totally, Xfinity charged me more than $500. Because the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order were returned in the time period, I got refund $200 something. But the 4th order will be charged restocking fee, and also Xfinity charged me lines activated fee. I am wondering, I have returned all cell phones, why you still activate lines? Now, the rest of the money Xfinity said they won't refund to me.

I can't believe that such a big company, Xfinity, has such a bad sales team, lie to customer. Xfinity, you really need to take your responsibility. And shape your sales team.


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