5 Messages
I'm being charged for Data I'm not using!!
Last month I was charged $400 for data overage, when in fact my data usage wasn't over my limit. I contacted support and they said there was nothing they could do and I needed to pay the bill. The only thing they were willing to do, since I was a 'Gold Member' was split up my payments.
Well the same thing is happening this month. I just got an email that said one line has used over 20GB of data. WhenI click the link in the email to see which line, I see a message at the top of my scree that says 'Reduced speeds ahead. One or more lines has used more than 20 GB of data this month. Speeds for those lines will be reduced until Jul 28, but they can still download, stream, and share'. But when you look at my usage of my 4 lines, NONE of the lines are over any limit. The total data use is less than 4GB. And when you look at by bill this month it isn't even calculated correctly. I've been on 4 phone calls, each at least an hour, and no one has fixed the issue. My next option is leaving Xfinity mobile because it's going to keep charging me for data overages that aren't actually happening. Anyone else had this problem? PLEASE HELP!!
5 Messages
8 months ago
Anyone have the same issue? Can anyone help me?