

2 Messages

Friday, May 12th, 2023 6:17 AM


Increase in tax/fees from March2023

As per the following article, 6 separate fee/charge should be merged into one but what I found that existing fees/charge are still there and a new fees has been added. Can you pls explain why there are so many charges on my bill?  https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/industries-and-topics/internet-and-phone/telecommunications-surcharges-and-user-fees/consumer-information---telecommunications-surcharges#:~:text=Beginning%20April%201%2C%202023%2C%20California,telecommunications%20companies%20operate%20in%20California.

OTHER Taxes, fees, and other charges $19.67 

Taxes, fees, and surcharges 

911 Fee(s)   $9.35

988 Fee(s)  $0.40

Local Utility User Tax  $1.45

Other Charges 

California Public Purpose Fund  $5.55

Regulatory Recovery Fee  $0.45

Universal Connectivity Charge $2.47

Problem Solver


768 Messages

2 years ago

The link above only refers to the California Public Purpose Fund line item that is now charged at $1.11 per line across all phone lines (land, VOIP, and wireless). So, it looks like you have 5 XM lines. 

The last two line items are from Comcast/Xfinity as explained on our Billings for exactly what and how they are determined we don’t have a clue?

It may be time to switch to Visible Wireless where their $25 all-in per month unlimited keeps sounding better. 



2 Messages

2 years ago

My point is why number of older fees/tax not reduced but new one added?

Official Employee


6.9K Messages

Hello, @user_a14b8f. That's a great question. Sometimes, we may adjust service prices and fees. These increases help us consistently improve our network, products, and services, as well as cover the rising costs of our business. Follow this link to Learn More about the Taxes, Fees and Other Charges on Your Bill. If there are any changes you wish to discuss or make, feel free to let us know and we'd be happy to help. 

I no longer work for Comcast.



9 Messages

2 years ago

I am a new Xfinity Mobile customer (in San Francisco, CA) and just got my first bill. I am on the 1GB By-the-Gig plan for $15/mo and currently have one line/phone.

My "taxes, fees and other charges" came to $6.93, including $4.26 in "911 Fee(s)" !!!

My first question is: are these "taxes, fees and other charges" per line or per account? I am considering adding a 2nd and 3rd phone to share the 1GB By-the-Gig plan - will each added line to the 1GB By-the-Gig plan be charged these "taxes, fees and other charges"?

My second question is - how does Xfinity Mobile calculate the "911 Fee(s)"?

I looked up what the rate is for CA and San Francisco: https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/taxes-and-fees/mts.htm states the "911 Surcharge Rate" for CA is $0.30, and https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/taxes-and-fees/mts-rates.aspx states that the rate for San Francisco is 15.4% (!). But 15.4% of $15 plus $0.30 does not add up to the $4.26 that appears in my bill as "911 Fee(s)"...

The $4.26 appearing in my bill as "911 Fee(s)"is 28.4% of $15.

Problem Solver


513 Messages

Hi there, @user_0d6225. Thank you for reaching out to us via our forums. We appreciate you taking the time, however, we do not have specifics for billing when it comes to Xfinity Mobile accounts. Please use the following number 888-936-4968 to call or even text our Mobile specialists. You can also use the following link https://www.xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile to reach out via chat with them as well. 

I no longer work for Comcast.

5 Messages

@user_0d6225 I have the same issue with the 911 fee in SF, were you able to get this resolved???

5 Messages

@user_0d6225 see my comment/question above.

Frequent Visitor


9 Messages

2 years ago

Might be partial double billing. Yet the $5.55 ($1.11 per line) barely scratches the previous fees. I wish government fees wentdown. 

The Regulatory Fee and Universal Connectivity includes Federal, state, local and are non transparent. The 911 and 988 are transparent at that level.

My Regulatory went from $0.70 to $0.18  and Universal Connectivity went from $1.10 to $0.98 when California added their $2.22. Basically CA pulled out $0.64 from other charges  to charge me $2.22 in the name of transparency.

Have to ask our overlords using our names to pass new taxes without voters approval.

I'd prefer seeing the individual fees.

Anytime government claims transparancy, its the opposite. It means theyre moving a 3 shell scam under 1 shell.


Im hoping its not a double billing.

I dont want to be paying your 911 and local taxes with a universal flat rate.

Heres my 2 lines.

911 Fee(s) $0.60

988 Fee(s) $0.16

Other Charges

California Public Purpose Fund $2.22

Regulatory Recovery Fee $0.18

Universal Connectivity Charge $0.98


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