Thursday, September 14th, 2023 1:46 PM


No data w/ 2-3 bars LTE

I switched to Xfinity mobile a few months ago, and have had consistent issues with data connectivity on my iPhone 12 pro. In much of the area around where I live my phone will show 2 or 3 bars of LTE signal, but be unable to get any data or connect to the internet at all. In fact, on my commute to work, from the time I leave my home wifi I will not be able to receive any data until I get to a specific point about 3 miles away. I know this because I use pandora radio for music, and I will spend 10 minutes in silence each day until I hit that exact point and the song can finally load. It's not just pandora, other apps will show no connection, email inbox won't load, and Speedtest will error out like there's no internet. It's not just my phone either, my wife's iPhone 12 mini does the same thing at various places on her drive. Again, this is with 2-3 bars of LTE showing. I also know it's not just the coverage, because I've previously had Verizon and T-mobile, and neither service had this problem. Since I know Verizon has the towers, and xfinity uses those, why can't I get any data at all? I'm not asking for high bandwidth 5G whatever here, just a reliable connection with maybe 1 Mbps? 100 kbps? Anything at all? What could be causing this, and what is the solution (other than switching to another carrier, which I'm strongly considering).

Official Employee


990 Messages

1 year ago

Hello, @trewbux. Thank you for reaching out over Xfinity Forums for support. I did want to let you know that our options with Xfinity Mobile are limited, but do want to ensure you're able to get help with connection concern. You can visit our coverage map, enter your zip code to view to ensure there aren't any coverage gaps: https://www.xfinity.com/mobile/learn/network-coverage. 


Having Xfinity Mobile myself, I know my phone will try to connect to a Xfinity Hotspot when it can find one.

- Do you turn the WiFi off, and ensure your cellular data is on?

- When you have no connection, have you tried restarting your device?


If you have attempted the steps mentioned, and confirmed the coverage map it may require our Xfinity Mobile experts to investigate further. They can be reached by calling or texting 1-888-936-4968 or through our Xfinity mobile assistant: 



2 Messages

I've been on the phone with xfinity now for a total of 12 hours in two day with no resolution. My service was spooty so I called xfinity. They did a reconfiguration on my phone,witch mind you they sold it to me , the service got wayway worse and 12hours later still no resolution. Time to go back to Verizon I guess. Never had this issue with them. Hope it all worked out for you 

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