@user_c062fc That is a great question! You can check out this page here to see all of our travel options: https://www.xfinity.com/mobile/my-account/international This page will show you Pay as you go rates and options for our travel pass as well if it is an included destination you can even add it right there from the page by clicking the blue Get Global Travel Pass link!
DON'T TRUST XFINITY ROAMING SERVICES! I have a bill of $10,400k for two days in a non-covered country that I did not even know it was not covered. The service was so bad I could not open anything, I had to use my boss' phone to work throughout the trip. They are still charging me this amount of money. I was not aware I was being charged, no notification was sent, I did not sign up for the service and did not use the service. Still... I am being charged this amount and after 20 hours on the phone with them, I have not solved the problem yet! My advice: change to another carrier before you travel abroad!
Official Employee
1.9K Messages
1 year ago
@user_c062fc That is a great question! You can check out this page here to see all of our travel options: https://www.xfinity.com/mobile/my-account/international This page will show you Pay as you go rates and options for our travel pass as well if it is an included destination you can even add it right there from the page by clicking the blue Get Global Travel Pass link!
7 Messages
1 year ago
I have a bill of $10,400k for two days in a non-covered country that I did not even know it was not covered. The service was so bad I could not open anything, I had to use my boss' phone to work throughout the trip. They are still charging me this amount of money. I was not aware I was being charged, no notification was sent, I did not sign up for the service and did not use the service. Still... I am being charged this amount and after 20 hours on the phone with them, I have not solved the problem yet! My advice: change to another carrier before you travel abroad!