1 Message
Payment Coupons Issued By Issuer
I sent back a payment coupon and addressed it to your CFO. It was mailed to the business/mailing address and wonder when that will reflect on my account. I also would like to know if there is an email address where we can address our 1099 IRS form. Should they go to your Trustee or should they be addressed to the company as well so the principal deposit account can be credited properly? Your CFO is Jason S. Armstrong.
Official Employee
2.1K Messages
1 year ago
Hello, @user_65n64z! There are many convenient ways you can pay your Xfinity bill including mailing us a check drawn on a valid U.S. bank account or a cashier’s check issued by a valid U.S. bank. Please use the insert included in your Xfinity bill. Never mail cash. I also wanted to share this link with more information about Xfinity Coupons.