Thursday, December 21st, 2023 4:41 AM


porting mess 2 + weeks

anyone in xfinity support have clue @ how to port number in? 

4 Messages

1 year ago

what a total downright [Edited: "Language"] customer service.. they keep telling me your issue will be solved in 24 hours. .for last 5 days ;) keep opening new tickets every day i chat/call them 

Any one have clue .. Off shore support is horrible . they just keep reading same script . over and over again .. :(

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled last day before i cancel x-f mobile

Official Employee


4.2K Messages

1 year ago

Hello, @user_qz3lpx! Thanks for reaching out to us on the forums! I apologize to hear of the issues you have been having with trying to get your number ported into Xfinity Mobile. Since it has been a few days, were you able to get any update on if it was able to be ported? If not, we like to see what we can do for you. Feel free to send us a DM by clicking the Direct Message icon at the top right of the page, clicking on the pen and pad icon, entering Xfinity Support in the "To" section of the chat, and provide us with your first/last name and full address so we may further assist you.

4 Messages

I did and no answer or updates. .4+ weeks now

Official Employee


1.8K Messages

@user_qz3lpx Our team is here to help. I do not see a public post explaining what is going on. Please let us know how we can help by creating your own post here on your forums. 

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