Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 3:16 AM


Protection Plan is [Edited]

bought 2 phones at a comcast store in December 2022, already had internet on my account… My account was just closed without any reason what so ever other than an email that my account was closed. My mother started her own account same day, I’m thinking the agent want a new sale and just closed my account. The fact being that they separated things mom got internet and 1 phone of mobile. My new account had the other line of mobile. Well in July of 2023 we merged them together again because the discount is good. Well what they don’t agent does tell you is that if you bring a comcast phone with protection plan from another account they policy is to brand it a “BYOD” bring your own device. Well according to agents who I’ve spoken with you can’t have the protection plan on that phone since they brand it, even though it was brought at a comcast store and had the protection plan on it. Now I have a IPhone with no protection why still paying for it. 

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9 months ago

Hello user_xafsif, I'd love a chance to help with your protection plan concerns. In order to get started can you please send a direct message to Xfinity Support with your full name and full address by clicking the chat icon in the top right? Here's the detailed steps to direct message us:
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  • Type "Xfinity Support" in the to line and select "Xfinity Support" from the drop-down list
  • Type your message in the text area near the bottom of the window
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