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Regarding $100 dollar visa gift card
Regarding hundred dollar visa gift cards!!!!!
I agree with everybody on this page I signed up back in July and was told the second my phones were activated they would be put in the mail I call the day after I activated my phones and said when should I be expecting them I was told it was from 16 to 18 weeks at that point I do everything on chat take photos of it log it but not only that I was also told it was unlimited unlimited is unlimited it’s not unlimited with a catch of high-speed data so I was robbed from picking my own plan one I would’ve never switched if I would’ve known that I was with Verizon for 13 years and didn’t have to watch my data on an unlimited plan I ran out of data the first month not knowing I had a cap on it on top of it there was massive wire problems in my area from the end of July to September every other day hours and hours of lost service with all of my equipment I keep being told by two people and a supervisor in a couple days I’ll be receiving them in a couple days I’ll be receiving them well guess what it’s been 2 1/2 weeks now still haven’t received them And then the past couple weeks I’ve been told it’s 90 to 120 days and every email I get revolving it adds on 2 to 4 more weeks I feel like people make commission off of doing this to people based on lies and that’s just not a good unsettling feeling
Official Employee
1.7K Messages
1 year ago