Hi there, @user_v4y9ie Thank you for taking the time out of your day to reach out to us. I do apologize we do not have that information available on this forum. Have you tried calling or texting 1 (888) 936-4968, or reached out to our secure online chat at xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile where an Xfinity Mobile expert is available 24/7?-Richard
Official Employee
1.6K Messages
1 year ago
Hi there, @user_v4y9ie Thank you for taking the time out of your day to reach out to us. I do apologize we do not have that information available on this forum. Have you tried calling or texting 1 (888) 936-4968, or reached out to our secure online chat at xfinity.com/xfinityassistant/?channel=xMobile where an Xfinity Mobile expert is available 24/7?-Richard